Why this initiative?

A project map of French Renewable Energies abroad

Global Context

Production costs down

All over the world, production costs fall dramatically, driven by the effects of industrial volumes and technological breakthroughs. The costs of producing renewable energy are structurally downward as soon as the conditions for their deployment are optimized, streamlined or facilitated.

Renewable energies, a priority for international investors

Investments in renewable energy production capacity amounted to more than $ 244 billion in 2012, $ 254 billion in 2013 and $ 286 billion in 2015, which has been steadily growing since 2004 when it was established to $ 40 billion.

Other figures

  • 9.8 million jobs in the world's renewable energy sector by the middle of 2017. IRENA expects there will be 24 million jobs in the clean energy sector by 2030.
  • 825 GW of new renewable electricity capacity will be installed in the world within five years, an increase of 42 %, including hydroelectricity.
  • 19.7 % : Share of renewable energies in global final energy consumption in 2016.
  • 785 GW : Renewable energy capacity installed in the world at the end of 2015 (excluding large hydropower)

The first interactive platform for French projects in the international renewable energy sector

Providing a visibility of French knowledge in the renewable energies

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