
Himachal Pradesh Power Corporation Limited

Shimla, India



Capacity Building

HPPCL is a State company (State Himachal Pradesh in India). Himachal Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (HPPCL) was created in 2006, with the objective to plan, promote and organize the development of power generation on behalf of Government of Himachal Pradesh (GoHP). Target of HPPCL is to develop 861 MW Power generating capacity by March 2020 and 1218 MW by the year 2024. There are 22 Hydro Projects allotted by the GoHP for development under state sector to HPPCL with aggregate installed capacity of 3156 MW. AFD is willing to finance two medium size projects of the portofolio of HPPCL. AFD, through the contract (Assignment) placed on CNR and T.I., thrust HPPCL to take experience in Operation and Maintenance of Hydroelectric power Plants from a French experienced Utility (CNR) in cooperation with T.I for the background of India context.


Detail of the equipment used:

The technical assistance for capacity building is declined in 3 main Phases:

Phase 1: Survey mission in Shimla (HPPCL Head Office) and site visits of two sites (one in operation; one close to commissioning)

Phase 2: Organisation of a Study tour in France to demonstrate the capacity and the experience of CNR in water and Power prevision; operation and maintenance

Phase 3: Identification of an action plan proposed to HPPCL in order to optimise their power production , organize their maintenance and optimise their financial income issued from the HEP operation

Project activities

Main company

Concessionary of the River Rhone (CNR)


Operation and maintenance, Others

Other type of implantation in French

Tractebel India

Project Information
Installed power (specify unit KW, MW or other)

861 MW

Annual produced energy (specify unit MWh or other)


Grid connection

On grid

Main fundings


Project cost (in euros)

148 000

Year of entry into service


Project progress

Contract signed
Work in progress
In operation
Employees mobilized
  • -

    Locals employees

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    Employees for the development phase

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    Employees for the construction phase

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    Employees for maintenance

Main company

Concessionary of the River Rhone (CNR)

  • Offshore , Onshore , Photovoltaic solar , Hydropower
  • Development , Developer of energy production plants , Operation and maintenance , Power generator , Storage , Others
  • SER Member
Main french partners

Tractebel India Portion

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